The King's Assassin Page 28
Chapter 16
Eryk managed to get through breakfast with his honor intact, at least as far as he was concerned, but the meal was miserable. Branden had spent the whole meal glaring at him, and he had seemed even angrier than he had been first thing in the morning, if that was possible. Eryk had let Alexius lead the conversation, and he had made a number of non-committal noises. He felt that it was better to do that than to pretend to show interest in what she was saying, just in case she misconstrued his intentions.
As soon as the meal was over, Eryk hurried out of the room as if to finish his preparations for the procession, but he actually lurked around in the corridor waiting for Byron. Since Byron also had preparations to finalize, he didn't have to wait long.
“Excuse me, Captain, may I speak with you?” Eryk asked, stepping out practically in front of Byron as he walked down the hall.
“Of course, your Majesty. What can I help you with?”
Eryk knew that the others would soon be coming this way, so he gestured to Byron to follow him, and the two men made their way to Eryk’s study. Eryk shut the door behind them.
“What is it?” Byron asked, a little concerned about the secrecy.
Eryk wasn’t entirely certain where to begin. He decided to just come right out and say it, without beating around the bush.
“Have you noticed anything strange about Branden’s behavior recently?” he asked.
“Not really, no, but I don’t spend a lot of time with him,” Byron answered honestly.
“Well he’s been very angry, and the slightest things send him off into a rage,” Eryk explained. “He used to be a totally different person.”
“I'll take your word for it. I suppose that you’d like me to keep an eye on him and see if I can discover anything?” Byron asked.
“How did you know that?” Eryk asked in reply, shock evident in his voice.
Byron laughed. “Because the princess asked me to do the same thing this morning.”
“This morning? When did you see her this morning?” Eryk knew that she had come to see him this morning, and breakfast was served pretty much right after their meeting, so when had she had time to visit Byron?
“She came to see me at dawn, the way she usually does,” he explained.
Eryk felt jealously flare. “She comes to see you every morning at dawn?” he asked, forcing the words out very slowly.
Byron wasn’t a stupid man, and he sensed the emotion behind those careful words. Eryk’s eyes blazed with anger fuelled by jealousy, so Byron chose his next words very carefully.
“Her Highness has been coming to the barracks each dawn since she arrived, to spar with me for practice and exercise. Rupert used to do the same thing. Due to the secrecy of her position, she can’t exactly exercise in a more open fashion, now can she?”
Byron watched the tension ease just a little from Eryk’s shoulders with the explanation. He knew now that he was going to have to be very careful around Eryk, at least if the topic of conversation was Aislynn. Byron wondered if she knew, and made a mental note to ask her about it tomorrow. He’d always known that he didn’t stand a chance with her, but part of him still wished that the king hadn’t just made his intentions so very clear.
“Well, if there isn't anything else, I should be going, your Majesty,” Byron continued. “I have a number of things that need to be done before the procession can begin, and I’m sure you have things to do as well. I will let you know if I discover anything about Lord Branden and his behavior.”
Eryk moved aside from the door, distracted by his thoughts, and Byron left. Eryk couldn't believe how strong the jealousy had been, just at the mere thought that Aislynn might be spending time with another man, no matter how innocently. He had already decided that she was the perfect woman to be his bride, but now he realized that he was truly infatuated with her. Eryk shook his head and left the study, hurrying to his room to complete his final preparations. He would need time to sort out his feelings.
A short time later, Eryk was in the castle courtyard, ready to depart. The procession would be on horseback, for safety. Everyone expected that the streets between the castle and the cathedral would be very crowded, and nobody wanted anyone to be injured.
Eryk led the procession astride his large black stallion, and immediately following him was his father’s body. The healers had arranged him on a white-draped bier, dressed in his amour and holding his sword. They had also renewed the minor magic used to preserve the body, getting it ready for seven days of viewing. The bier, strewn with roses and other flowers, was set into a cradle of sorts and carried by four white horses. Once they reached the cathedral, the cradle would be lowered to the ground and the bier carried into the church for the ceremony and viewing.
Everyone else in the castle that was planning to attend the ceremony and pay their respects also gathered in the courtyard, and they would sort themselves out to follow Eryk and Tarren’s body. Eryk scanned the crowd, looking for Aislynn’s gelding or Cheta, but he couldn't spot either of them. He did think that he caught sight of a rampant bear though, Evendell’s royal crest.
It took the procession about an hour to arrive at the cathedral, about three times as long as it would have taken if the streets hadn't been so crowded. Eryk was happy to see that his father had been well loved at least, but he was also a little frustrated by the necessity of moving through the city at a very slow walk.
When they reached the cathedral, Eryk dismounted and entered, flanked by two guards while four more carried the bier through the great double doors. Looking around, Eryk was grateful to see that the damage done by yesterday’s fight had been cleaned up and repaired. The bier was laid upon the large marble alter that Eryk had prayed at the day before, and Eryk took his place at his father’s head. The priests had provided a padded chair for him to sit on, and he knew that he would be grateful for the padding by the time the sun touched the horizon. Father Jonas said a few words over the body, and the viewing officially began.
The first people to pay their respects were the council members, followed by Lord Collin, Branden and Alexius. Lord Collin looked like he had not slept since Tarren had died, and Eryk supposed that it was possible. He knew that the two of them had been very close, and he hoped that Collin wouldn't be following his father to an early grave. Collin expressed his heartfelt condolences, which his daughter echoed. Branden just glared at Eryk until the rest of his family had finished what they had come to say.
“This would have been better if you had your fiancée at your side,” Branden growled, with a pointed look at Alexius, before he moved on. Eryk just sighed and wondered if he was going to have to find another chief advisor, preferably one who wouldn't detest the future queen.
Next in line were Kardon and Sookra, flanked by a pair of guards. They all bowed at the waist, and the ambassadors expressed their condolences for his loss.
“We understand the pressure you were under the other day,” Kardon said. “We would like another opportunity to meet with you and your advisor, to see if some agreement can be reached. Perhaps now that some time has passed, everyone will be able to look upon the treaty with a fresh perspective.”
Eryk knew that despite the fact that he had said “everyone”, the emissary really meant Eryk. Eryk also knew that he did not intend to give up the lands the Madelians were after, but at least there was no harm in trying to negotiate again, so he agreed, arranging a meeting for the following day.
He glanced over to see who was next in line, and was relieved to see a guard bearing Evendell’s crest. He looked at the woman next in line with anticipation, a smile beginning on his face, but was disappointed.
“Your Majesty,” she began, “the princess asked me to express her deepest apologies that she is not able to attend personally. She also wanted me to convey the regrets of Evendell for the passing of your father.”
Marja curtsied, a sad and understanding smile on her fa
ce, and then moved on. Eryk wondered just what Aislynn had told her, but knew that neither of the women would ever disclose that information to him. He greeted the next person in line, and settled in for a long day.