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The King's Assassin Page 24

  Chapter 15

  Aislynn rolled over, groaning in pain. Her whole body hurt, with areas of excruciating agony located around her ribs and her head. She opened her eyes slowly, wondering how long she’d been sleeping. Considering the darkness of her room, she figured that it was just a little while before dawn, her regular waking time. Her movements dislodged Cheta, who was curled up at her feet, and the wolf moved up to lie alongside her mistress.

  “So what do you make of this sorry state?” Aislynn asked, scratching the wolf behind the ears. “I’m quite a mess, aren't I?”

  The wolf just whined in agreement, and stretched her head onto Aislynn’s lap, a clear invitation for her to continue her scratching. Aislynn smiled, and complied with the request.

  “Let’s recap, shall we? Since our arrival, Tarren is dead, Branden hates me with a passion unlike anything I've ever seen before, and Eryk, who I’m supposed to be guarding, had banished me from his sight. At least he’s changed his mind about that one, but with Branden around so often, I might as well stay out in the guards’ barracks.”

  Aislynn sighed, and continued. “That’s something that has been bothering me. How can a man go from simply seeing me as a rival for Eryk’s affections to someone who hates me with a murderous obsession and who would do anything to get rid of me, all in the space of five or six days? That is pretty odd, wouldn't you agree, Cheta?”

  Aislynn sat up very slowly, testing her body’s aches and pains, and got up out of bed. She moved carefully around the room, finding a long skirt and a loose blouse to wear. She knew that regardless of anything else that happened today, she was in no shape for anything that would require her to dress less ladylike than this.

  “Let’s go see Byron,” she called to Cheta, leaving the room. “Perhaps he has some insight into Branden’s behavior.”

  When she arrived at their usual meeting place, Aislynn was surprised and relieved to find Byron there, practicing by himself. Byron’s eyes widened in disbelief when he saw her. She moved slowly and deliberately, trying not to jar her injured ribs, and on her temple was a massive purple and black bruise, centered on the stitches the healer had put in the morning before.

  “You don’t honestly expect to spar today, do you?” he asked as he walked over to her.

  “Of course not! I’m not insane, despite what you may think. I've had enough injuries to know to listen to the healers. I’m a creature of habit though, so since I was awake, I just came to touch base. I’m curious about what happened yesterday while I slept, and I want to ask your opinion of a few things, that’s all.”

  Byron relaxed visibly, and he smiled. Taking her elbow and using her present condition as an excuse to touch her, he led the way back into the building and toward his office. He honestly couldn't say for certain if Aislynn was sane or not – look at her job, after all – but he was happy that she had the sense not to push things too much. His growing concern for Aislynn’s health and wellbeing was something that he decided to look at more closely later.

  “I’m not sure if it means anything,” Byron began when the two of them were settled, “but my boys reported that the Madelian emissaries are currently stationing only one guard outside of their rooms instead of the regular two. It’s possible that something totally innocent is going on, like the guard is sick or something, but…”

  “But it’s also possible that I killed that other ‘guard’ yesterday morning. That is interesting, and it would explain how the assassins keep getting so close to the royal family without anyone seeing them. Guards are essentially invisible, no offence, so one moving around the castle wouldn't be noticed or remarked on. Fascinating.”

  “I'll keep an eye on them, like I said, and I'll let you know what happens. Now, I assume you didn't hobble all the way out here just for that little update. What’s on your mind?”

  “I didn't hobble at all, thank you very much,” Aislynn replied sourly, but she decided not to pursue the comment. “What do you know about Branden?”

  “Aside from the fact that he doesn't like you?” Byron answered with a smile.

  “I mean, what does he do when he’s not with Eryk? Does he gamble? Does he drink?”

  “I don’t really know, and I've never had a reason to want to know. Why?”

  “Well, his behavior has been really strange, I think, and it’s becoming stranger. When I first got here, all of six days ago, he was joking with me at the table about Eryk’s fear of commitment. A few days later, he was informing me that Eryk was going to marry Alexius and he was going to get rid of me. The next day, he’s threatening me, and the slightest mention of my name sends him into a rage. I’m wondering what happened between the first day and the fourth, and why is it getting worse?”

  “That is strange, I'll admit. I know that Branden cares deeply for his sister, and I could understand wanting to get rid of a possible rival for her, but for his behavior to continue to escalate is odd. I'll see what I can do to keep an eye on him too, since you’re obviously not up to it.”

  Aislynn smiled with gratitude. “Thanks a lot, Byron,” she said as she stood to leave. “And give me a couple of days and I'll be back here. The ribs are just cracked, after all, not broken.” She threw him a wink, and then headed back to the castle proper.

  Byron watched her walk out of his office and shook his head. It is hard to keep up with that woman, he thought to himself, but it certainly is fun to try.